Center for Continuing Education of Osteopathy & Manual Therapy
Our new telephone number is 1 438 865 6355
Canadian Accreditation Information for our Courses with Various
Associations and Governing Bodies
Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners OOA/ OSTCAN
In December 2023 the Executive Director Serge S. Micheli wrote to us last year to update us on their CEU approach for members: "OAO does not have an accreditation system for evaluating institutions or course offerings. The Board removed the endorsement program, because it was not possible for the education committee to attend course offerings to evaluate them firsthand and provide recommendations back to the OAO Board of Directors for endorsements. The CPD Policy provides the information on earning CEUs and hours awarded for attending educational offerings. Members are aware of the CPD Policy and can contact us at any time if they have any questions. "
Canadian Athletic Therapy Association CATA
The following courses fall within the scope of Athletic Therapists in Canada and are currently accredited by CATA: "Treating Female Pelvic Pain Through the UroGenital System" "Treating the Obstetrical Patient Throughout all of the Stages of Pregnancy" "Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy Part 1. Understanding & Assessing the Cranial Mechanism". In January 2024, CATA created a new system where our courses are valued at 0.4 units/contact hour whether in person or live. This is twice the value of non-approved courses. In 2024, CATA's new policy for approved CEU providers is that all of our courses will be approved. CATA members are therefore free to chose from among all of our courses listed in the CATA collection of our online learning platform, as we consider them to be appropriate for Athletic Therapists (without the pre-requisite of being an Osteopath) and within their scope of practice. Click here to visit the CATA collection page.
Canadian Massage & Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association CMMOTA
The CMMOTA has accredited the following courses for their Manual Osteopathic Therapists: "Fundamentals of Cranial Manual Therapy Part 1. A Biomechanical Approach to Understanding & Assessing The Cranial Mechanism (approved for 24 CEUs for Registered Massage Therapists and Manual Osteopaths). "Visceral Manual Therapy of the Female Pelvis: Uro-Genital Dysfunctions of the Bladder & Uterus " (approved for 24 CEUs. Click here to visit the CMMOTA category page of online courses.
Ontario Osteopathic & Alternative Medicine Association OOAMA
The OOAMA does approves our courses & seminars for continuing education credits for its members. Please contact Simeon at the OOAMP for further information.
Association RITMA | Médecines alternatives et complémentaires
Accredits our courses according to the number of hours we assign to each course.
Societe Canadienne de Massotherapie et Medecines Complementaires du Canada
Accredits our courses according to the number of hours we assign to each course.
The College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO)
Has a self-reporting system and currently accredits all of our continuing education courses for RMTs. Click here to visit our category of course for Registered Massage Therapists.
Massage Therapy Association of Saskatchewan (MTAS)
Accredits "Fundamentals of Cranial Manual Therapy for Massage Therapists Part 1: An Anatomical Approach to CranioSacral Therapy" for 12 primary credits and "Manual Therapy Treatment Protocols for Every Trimester of Pregnancy for Registered Massage Therapists" for 15 primary credits. More of our courses will be submitted for accreditation in 2023.
CTCMPAO: Continuing Education Credits for Chinese Medicine Practitioners
The CTCMPAO asks that members who participate in our courses or seminar and wish to receive CEUs are encouraged to do so, and "must be able to demonstrate how the courses or seminars have improved them as a practitioner". Contact the CTCMPAO for further information.
Other Practitioners including Physiotherapists & Chiropractors
You will also need to contact your respective associations to inquire whether they will accredit our seminars as CEU credits for you.
General Osteopathic Council (GOsC( UK)
The GOsC has a self-reporting system for CPDs and makes the distinction between credits they award for courses learnt "with others" live versus online. When taking an online course with us and reporting it in your CPDs to the GOSC (UK), please ensure you are reporting in the correct category, Please check with the GOSc UK for details.
Osteopathy Australia
accepts our online courses and has categories for live and online course accreditation
This accrediting body for American Massage Therapists has approved "Cranial Manual Therapy for American Massage Therapists: An Anatomical & Biomechanical Approach to Cranio-Sacral Therapy" for 14.5 CEs.
Worldwide Accreditation with Various Governing Bodies
Theory Hours versus Hands-On Practice Hours
Many Practitioners are not aware of how their association or regulating body accredits hands-on practice hours versus theory study hours for online courses. All of our courses have a theory portion and a hands-on practice portion. The hands-on practice portion of our online courses are equivalent to any hands-on practice you would have done in a classroom setting, This means you can still fulfill your hands-on practice requirements of CEUs with any of our online courses.
Here is a breakdown of the number of theoretical and hands-on practice hours for our online courses:
Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy Part 1. Understanding & Assessing the Cranial Mechanism (self-paced ie. learn at your own pace)
15 theory hours + 15 hands-on practice hours
Treating the Obstetrical Patient Throughout all of the Stages of Pregnancy: an Osteopathic Approach
15 theory hours + 10 hands-on practice hours
Cranial Techniques and Advanced Treatment Protocols in Pediatric Osteopathy
15 theory hours + 15 hands-on practice hours
Treating Female Pelvic Pain through the Uro-Genital System: Urinary Incontinence & Uterine Prolapse
12 theory hours + 8 hands-on practice hours
Primitive Reflexes in Pediatric Osteopathy
8 theory hours
For the breakdown of course hours for all other courses, please visit the course page of the course that interests you by visiting our online learning platform :