Center for Continuing Education of Osteopathy & Manual Therapy
Our new telephone number is 1 438 865 6355

Le cahier technique est fourni aux participants du cours.
C'est un cahier de 50 pages contenant des explications détaillées et des protocoles de traitement étape par étape. Il vous permettra de bien comprendre les dysfonctionnements ostéopathiques les plus courants observés en milieu clinique.

The accompanying Workbook is provided to participants in the live Workshops only.
The accompanying Workbook is a 50 page manual containing detailed explanations and step-by-step treatment protocols, you will come away with a solid understanding of the most common osteopathic dysfunctions found in clinical settings.
Traiter la patiente enceinte à travers toutes les étapes
de la grossesse: une approche ostéopathique
Treating the Obstetrical Patient Throughout all the Stages of Pregnancy : an Osteopathic Approach
5720 Cavendish blvd. Cote St Luc, Quebec
Locale du cours a Montreal
Les Tours Presidentiels
Salle de Recreation - Niveau B
5720 Cavendish blvd.
Cote St Luc, Quebec
stationnement sur la rue Heywood
Si vous souhaitez augmenter votre champs de pratique pour inclure les femmes enseinte, ce cours sur la grossesse est pour vous!
curriculum du cours
jour 1
Changements ostéopathiques dans le corps pendant la grossesse
Survol des symptômes physiques pendant la grossesse
Survol du 1er trimestre stade initiale 0 - 12 semaines
Survol du protocoles d'évaluation ostéopathique pendant le stade initial
Tableau d'évaluation postural
Pratique du protocole d'évaluation ostéopathique pendant le stade initial
Jour 2
2ème trimestre - La stade structurelle - 12 - 28 semaines
Schémas de décompensation myofascial au cours du stade structurel
Protocoles de traitement ostéopathique au cours de la stade structurelle
Le rôle du système sympathique / parasympathique dans la congestion de la lymphe
3ème Trimestre – stade congestive
Changements physiologiques au système lymphatique au cours stade congestive
Appercu du protocole de traitement ostéopathique pour la stage congestive
Pratique en groupe du protocole de traitement ostéopathique pour la stage congestive
Jour 3
4ième trimestre – stade préparatoire -36 semaines jusqu'à l’accouchement
Dysfonctions diaphragmes ostéopathiques – 3ieme et 4ieme trimestres
Protocoles de traitement stade préparatoire
Tableau d'évaluation du système crânio-sacré
Stade post-partum de la grossesse - accouchement à 6 semaines
Survol et demonstration tu protocole de traitement post-partum
Pratique du protocole de traitement post-partum
Tableau d'évaluation du système crânio-sacré Stade post-partum de la grossesse - accouchement à 6 semaines
Protocole de traitement post-partum

If you are interested in expanding your practice to focus on Women's health, this Obstetrics seminar is for you.
Understanding The Obstetrical Patient

Learn about the Biomechanical and Lymphatic changes that take place within the body of your pregnant patients

Learn Techniques and Treatment Protocols for each Stage of Pregnancy
Course Curriculum
I'm a paragraph. Click once to begin entering your own content. You can change my font, size, line height, coOsteopathic Changes within the Body during Pregnancy
Overview of Physical Symptoms during Pregnancy
1st Trimester The Initial Stage 0 – 12 weeks
Osteopathic Assessment Protocols during the Initial Stage
Postural Assessment Chart
2nd trimester - The Structural Stage - 12 – 28 weeks
Patterns of Myofascial De-compensation during the Structural Stage
Osteopathic Treatment Protocols during the Structural Stage
Physiological Changes to a Lymphatic System during Obstetrics Osteopathic Diaphragms’ Dysfunctions in Obstetrics
The Role of the Sympathetic/Parasympathetic System in Lymph Congestion
Common symptoms of Lymph Congestion during Pregnancy
Osteopathic Treatment Protocols during Stages of Pregnancy Physiological Changes in Lymphatic System during pregnancy
Understanding the Congestive Stage : 3rd Trimester 28 – 36 week
Osteopathic Treatment Protocol for the Congestive Stage
Understanding the 4th Trimester - Preparatory Stage - 36 weeks till delivery
Osteopathic Treatment Protocol for the Preparatory Stage
Understanding the Post Partum Stage of Pregnancy - Delivery to 6 weeks
Osteopathic treatment Protocol for PostPartum Patientslor and more by highlighting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar.
Feedback on the online course:
" Well done on a fantastic start to the Obstetrical Patient online course. So far it has been very easy to progress through the different s"tages. The content so far has been relevant to clinical practice, and I look forward to more detail when we start to look into each of the trimesters in coming weeks.
Treating Infertility and Female Pelvic Complaints:
An Advanced Cranio-Sacral Approach
Click here to read about how our seminars can help you fulfill your continuing education requirements

Day 1: Treating Female Infertility with Cranial Osteopathy
In this Seminar we will review the Causes of infertility, the Psychic Stresses that contribute to Infertility and the limits of osteopathic treatment . An Overview of functional anatomy of the pelvis , the Anatomy of the Cranio-Sacral system , and the Sacrum and its Four Quadrants will be taught. You will learn how to identify Cranio – Sacral Dysfunctional Patterns in Infertility including Side bending Rotations, Torsions and Shears/Strains, Compaction or Endo-Cranial Spasm . You will have a chance to participate in Demonstrations of Treatment Protocols for Classic Infertility Patterns including Compaction due to Trauma and Cranio – Sacral Torsion.

Day 2: Treating Female Pelvic Complaints
In this Seminar you will learn the Functional Anatomy of the Uro-Genital System in Women and how the Female Pelvic Cavity is comparable to a Box with Four Sides. We will review the Importance of the Bladder & Perineum Urinary Incontinence from an Osteopathic Mechanical perspective, Uterus Displacement and the Indications for Visceral Manipulation in Urinary Incontinence. You will learn how to test for and treat Bladder & Uterus Dysfunctions. We will then review the Symptoms Profile and Treatment Options of Urinary track infections (UTIs) and how to release the Associated Spinal Reflex Areas with Gentle Osteopathic Mobilizations. Finally, we will review Dysmenorrhea (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome), how to identify the Classic Mechanical Symptom Profile within the Pelvis and Sacrum. Demonstrations of Osteopathic Treatment Protocols will be demonstrated and Practiced for treating Dysmenorrhea using an Osteopathic Approach.
Doula, Midwives & Lactation Consultants Workshops
Topics we will review together:
- The various traumatic impacts that can occur to a newborn during delivery and in utero
- An overview of the birthing process according to mechanical principles
- Why a delay in identifying dysfunctions at birth can contribute to developmental delays
- Examples of dysfonctions will be reviewed
- Cranial, thoracic, orthopedic and digestive dysfunctions
- A technical workbook will be included
Topics we will review together
• The advantages of learning this approach and incorporating it into your doula services
• Reassure your client that any potential mechanical dysfunctions are being monitored
• Become a Liaison between your client and various allied healthcare professionals who can help
• Why identifying and referring is an ethical responsiblity, not just a belief
• A demonstration by the Osteopath Instructor will be performed
• Group practice with dolls of various anatomical ages
• A technical manual is included with step by step instructions
About Your Instructor
Maureen Maher, BA(Psych), DO(Qc) had been an Osteopath for fifteen years. Throughout her career, she has treated pregnant women throughout the various stages of pregnancy, as well as newborns from four days to four years old, in various places throughout the world. She teaches continuing education courses and workshops for Osteopath, Manual Therapists, and various alllied health care professionals on the subjects of pregnancy and paediatrics, among other subjects. She is the Founder and Educational Director of the Centre for Continuing Education of Osteopathy. Her practice is located in Cot St Luc, Quebec. She can be reached by email at osteomaureen@gmail.com by on her mobile phone 647 967 6355 or visit her website www.osteomaureen.webs.com
Sujets a reviser ensemble :
- Les diverses impactes traumatisante chez les nouveaux nées durant l’accouchement
- Un survol du mécanisme de l’accouchement selon les principes mécaniques
- Pourquoi un délai à identifier les dysfonctions peut affecter le développement du nourrisson
- Des exemples de dysfonctions relies a l’alaitement seront présentés
- Dysfonctions craniennes, thoracique, et digestive
- Un cahier technique est compris
Mettez vos mains à la pate!
Apprendre a faire une évaluation physique globale d’un nourrisson
Sujets a reviser ensemble :
• Les avantages d’apprendre cette approche et de l’incorporer parmi vos services
• Assurer votre cliente que la possibilité de dysfonctions mécanique soit bien surveillé
• Faire le lien entre votre cliente et les professionnelles alliées qui peuvent aider
Pourquoi référer est une responsabilité éthique et non une philosophie
• Demonstration par conférencière Ostéopathe
• Pratic-pratique de groupe avec poupées
• Un cahier technique est compris contenant les étapes du protocol
A propose de votre Conférencière :
Maureen Maher, BA(Psych), DO(Qc) est Ostéopathe depuis quinze ans. Au courant de sa carrière, elle a soigné des femmes au courant des divers stades de la grossesse ainsi que des nouveaux nées, et ceci a travers le monde. Elle enseigne des cours de formation continue pour Ostéopathes, Thérapeutes Manuel, et professionnelles de la sante alliée sur le sujet de Grossesse et Pédiatrie, entre autre. Elle est la Fondateur et Directrice du Centre for Continuing Education of Osteopathy. Elle pratique a Cote St Luc. Vous pouvez la rejoindre par courriel a ceosteomaureen@gmail.com ou par telephone au (647) 967 6355 ou visitez son site web www.osteomaureen.webs.com