Center for Continuing Education of Osteopathy & Manual Therapy
Our new telephone number is 1 438 865 6355
Order our Workbooks Online / Commander nos cahiers en ligne
Cahier Pediatrie: Techniques crâniennes et protocoles de traitement avancés
en ostéopathie pédiatrique
$90 + shipping ($15-$25) for Workbooks

Ce manuel se concentre sur l'aspect pratique clinique de l'ostéopathie pédiatrique pour les nouveau-nés. Il fournit une compréhension plus profonde et plus complète de l'étiologie et des techniques de traitement ostéopathique et des protocoles pour les conditions pédiatriques du nouveau-né les plus courantes. Le cahier de travail est divisé en deux parties pour refléter l'atelier de deux jours.
Cahier d'obstétrique: Traiter le patient obstétrical à travers toutes les étapes de la grossesse
Une approche ostéopathique
75 $ CAN + frais d'expédition (15 $ - 25 $)

Ce manuel suit la patiente obstétricale au fur et à mesure qu'elle progresse durant toutes ses étapes de grossesse et enseigne à l'ostéopathe à quoi s'attendre à chaque étape, et recommande des protocoles de traitement et des priorités de traitement pour chaque trimestre.
Le cahier de travail est divisé en deux parties pour refléter l'atelier de deux jours.
Treating Women's Dysfunctions with Osteopathy Workbook
$110 CDN + shipping ($20-$30) for Workbook

This Workbook contains a section from the Women's Health seminar series as well as a section from the Visceral Seminar Series to provide a comprehensive overview of the most common female health dysfunctions that can be successfully treated with Osteopathy.
The sections include Treating Female Infertility with Cranial Osteopathy and Treating the Female Pelvic Region with Visceral Osteopathy: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, Pelvic Floor weaknesses including Bladder & Uterine Prolapse
Cranial Workbook for Beginners:
Introduction to the Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy & CranioSacral Therapy
An Easy-To-Use Workbook
$85 + shipping ($15-$20) for Workbook

This Workbook accompanies the four day course that teaches Practitioners how to develop the palpation skills necessary to treat the Cranio-Sacral System. With sufficient practice, this Workbook also provides the Practitioner with the fundamentals knowledge and skills necessary to participate in any of the Advanced Cranial Pathologies seminars.
Cranial Workbook: Advanced Cranial Pathologies Three Part Series
$110 CDN + shipping ($15-$25)

Visceral Osteopathy Workshop Series Section 1 includes Treating Post Concussion Syndrome with Cranial Osteopathy; Section 2 includes Treating Upper Cervical Dysfunctions with Cranial Osteopathy; Section 3 includes Treating Congestion Headaches & Vertigo associated with Sinus, Vestibular, & TMJ Dysfunctions
Visceral Osteopathy Seminar Series Workbook
$110 CDN plus $15-$20 shipping

This Workbook contains four sections to reflect the four Seminars within the Visceral Osteopathy Seminar series. The sections are designed to start learning and treating at the beginning of the Digestive Tract and progress to subsequent areas where common dysfunctions are successfully treated with Visceral Osteopathy. The sections are: Treating Upper GI Dysfunctions including Aesophageal Reflux, Treating Liver & Gall Bladder Dysfunctions, Treating Lower GI Dysfunctions including Constipations and Bloating, and Treating the Female Pelvic Region including Uro-Genital and Reproductive System (Dysmenorhea) dysfunctions.
What you need to know about ordering Workbooks online:
When ordering online, the cost of shipping within Canada or Internationally is included in the price. All prices are in Canadian dollars.
Please enter your complete mailing address including country and postal code when completing your order via our online store.
The online system is set up to securely accept credit cards. Please see instructions below if you wish to order via PayPal or eTransfer.
Canadian Shipping
We ship Standard Air within Canada
cost of shipping for each Workbook within Canada is CDN $ 15
International Shipping
We ship International Air for foreign orders to the USA and abroad
cost of shipping for one Workbook abroad is CDN $ 20
Please email us directly if you wish to order multiple copies of a Workbook and need a quote for combined shipping costs
Purchases via PayPal or eTransfer :
Download the Order Form by clicking on the blue button below. Check off which Workbooks you wish to order, the quantity, your complete mailing address including country, then email the Order Form to us at ceosteopathy@gmail.com. We will then calculate the total cost with shipping and email you an invoice. You can then proceed with the PayPal payment using email address "ceosteopathy@gmail.com" and using security word "osteopathy" for eTransfers. Once payment has been received, your order will ship.
Orders are generally shipped within a week of receiving your payment.
you can also speak to us live at 1 . 647 . 967 . 6355 between 10am and 6pm Eastern Standard Time.

Ottawa September 2015
Hosted by Kneaded Touch Wellness Clinic, a group of RMTs specialized in Women's health and Obstetrics, proudly displaying their Certificate of Completion after successfully finishing our two day Pediatric Osteopathy seminar.

Toronto Campus June 2015
a group of Osteopaths receiving their Certificate of Completion after successfully finishing our one day Pediatric Osteopathy seminar.

Toronto Campus May 2015
a group of RMTs receiving their Certificate of Completion after successfully finishing our four day Introduction to the Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy

Toronto Campus May 2015
a group of RMTs receiving their Certificate of Completion after successfully finishing our four day Introduction to the Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy.

Richmond Hill Campus February 2015
A group of Osteopaths receiving their Certificate of Completion after successfully finishing our our day Introduction to the Fundamentals of Cranial Osteopathy .

Toronto Ca Cranial Osteopathy

Montreal, 2003
Our Educational Director, Maureen N. Maher, is pictured second to the left in the second to bottom row among her graduating class with the College d'Osteopathie du Quebec a Montreal, after successfully submitting and defending her Doctorate thesis within the field of Cranial Osteopathy "The Temporal Lobe in Internal Rotation and its Myofascial and Muscle Chain Links". from the College d'Osteopathie du Quebec a Montreal.
Community Involvement
Pictures below is our Educational Director, Maureen N. Maher, giving a conference in Richmond Hill on the benefits of Osteopathic Treatment

Customized Osteopathic Treatment Tables
If your practice is expanding into Osteopathic Treatment and you need an adjustable, electric high-low Osteopathic Treatment table, please call us directly at (64) 967 - 6355. We will put you in touch with our Ontario based distributor who can customize a table for you at a very affordable price.